Rotary Scholarships

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    Rotary Foundation Scholarships     
Chairperson -- Kenneth T. Steadman





Types of Scholarships

Global Grant Scholarship

Applicants can apply through a District or Club for a scholarship for one to two years graduate study abroad funded by a global grant.  Global Grants must be in one of six Areas of Focus of the Rotary Foundation.  The six areas of focus are Peace and Conflict Resolution, Maternal and Child Health, Basic Education and Literacy, Water and Sanitation, Disease Prevention and Treatment, and Economic and Community Development. 

A Global Scholarship is not being offered in the 2016-17 Rotary year.

Check back in July of 2017 for information about the 2017-18 Rotary year.

For further information, contact Dr. Kenneth T. Steadman, 834 Hastings Rd., Geneva NY, 14456

or email

Rotary World Peace Fellowships

The Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution will provide opportunities for scholars to focus on dealing effectively with the obstacles that currently impede international cooperation and peace. Through partnerships with outstanding universities throughout the world, the Rotary Centers will advance knowledge on issues of peace and conflict resolution among the next generation of community and world leaders.

For further information, contact Jack Best, 604 Embury Rd., Rochester, NY 14625

or email  

