District Golf Tournament

You are invited
WHAT: District 7120 Golf Tournament
WHERE: Reservoir Creek Golf Course, Naples, NY
WHEN: Friday, September 6, 2024; Registration at 11:00 – 11:45 A.M. Tee off at 12:00 P.M.
Cocktail Hour at 5:00 P.M. Buffet Dinner at 6:00 P.M. Awards at 7:00 P.M.
FORMAT: Scramble
COST: $90.00 per person -
COST: $90.00 per person -
Includes 18 holes of golf, cart, hot dog lunch with drink, dinner, gifts, prizes.
Please email jackf374@gmail.com with player name(s) and club affiliation
Dinner only cost is $30.00
CONTESTS: 1st Place - Men’s; Women’s; Mixed
Closest to the Pin - Men’s & Women’s
Longest Drive – Men’s & Women’s
Closest to the Pin - Men’s & Women’s
Longest Drive – Men’s & Women’s
Team Putting Contest
Best Dressed Team
Team that Got the Most Exercise
PLEASE NOTE: To be eligible to win first place, a team must have at least (3) registered players and finish
the event.
TO REGISTER: Please click on this link. If you prefer not to register online, Please email jackf374@gmail.com with questions. Make check payable to District 7120 Golf Tournament.
RAFFLE ITEMS: Each Club is asked to donate a raffle item or basket valued at $30.00. Please bring the raffle item with you on the day of the tournament.
Hole/Cart Sponsor: Sponsorships are available. Please contact event organizer to discuss individual/corporate sponsorship opportunities. Event Organizer-Jack Fredericks (Naples Rotary) jackf374@gmail.com (585) 314-4124
Hole/Cart Sponsor $50.00
Deadline to register, pay for golf, and sponsorships, is August 30th !
Join us for this fun-filled afternoon of
golf and district-wide fellowship!!!
golf and district-wide fellowship!!!