D7120 International Service

The Rotary District 7120 International Service Committee (ISC) educates and nurtures Rotarians and clubs who are working on AND considering working on international service projects. The ISC connects clubs, builds relationships, assists with project identification, process and resources.

The district’s focus is to:

  • Assist clubs to get started with international projects
  • Help prepare effective international grant proposals and applications
  • Identify key local subject matter experts to establish a District Resource Network of qualified Rotarians, program participants, and alumni available to assist clubs and the district in the global grant proposal, development and implementation of international service projects
  • Connect global grant project teams with advisors and experts Global Grant Officers, Cadre Technical Experts, Rotary Action Groups, etc.
  • Maintain a database of active international service projects being considered and currently in process within our district
  • Develop international service networking and partnerships between Rotary clubs and districts
  • Increase understanding about the benefits and opportunities of participating in international service

Let me know how I may be of assistance.


Bill Gormont, PDG

District International Service Director


Click here to Email Bill

